Slayer Assistant for Alt1
Slayer Assistant for Alt1 is a dynamic tool for RuneScape players, designed to enhance the Slayer experience with a variety of useful features. It provides an intuitive user interface, customizable settings, and integration with Alt1 Toolkit. This app aims to streamline Slayer and Reaper tasks, improve task searching, and offer other enhancements to make the Slayer experience more enjoyable.
- Dynamic Settings System: Modify your preferences directly within the app for easy customization and instant updates.
- Customizable UI: Change themes and settings without needing to refresh or use additional CSS files.
- Hidden Creatures: Hide creatures from the interface for a more personalized view.
- Import/Export Settings: Import and export your settings for easy transfer across devices.
- Reaper & Slayer Task Enhancements: Improved task searching and counter lookups for Slayer and Reaper tasks.
- Database Integration: Uses data from the RuneScape Wiki and other sources to keep the app up-to-date.
- Search Optimization: Levenshtein distance algorithm for faster and more accurate search results.
Visti or click here to add the app to alt1
- Settings: Modify your app preferences using the "Settings" menu. You can enable or disable certain features and tweak the look and feel to suit your preferences.
- Task Searching: Use the search bar to quickly find specific Slayer or Reaper tasks.
- Hidden Creatures: You can choose to hide specific creatures from the interface for a cleaner view.
Assistance with Slayer Assistant for Alt1
- codedninja - For creating the original app and inspiring the look and feel of this app
- Skillbert - For all the assistance during the creation of this app, as well as for creating Alt1 Toolkit
- Zykrow - For support and assistance during the entire development of this app
- crazye97 - For all the assistance during the development of this app, too much to specify each one
- troy236 - For giving me the answer to why I couldn't edit the src of an img in JavaScript
- Emma Kitty - For helping manage the database; formatting, adding manual entries, and adding user experience content to the app
- Annie the Eagle - For help with adjusting the Look and Feel of the app
- MrSlayerGod - For suggestions on the newest Look and Feel of the app
- Poop Skewer - For suggesting moving the app over to GitHub for better uptime
- display_this - For reporting app-breaking bugs that kept the app from running at its full potential
- Leridon - For assisting with the Slayer/Reaper counter lookup and helping fix major issues during the upgrade of Alt1 source
- Nex ex Umbra - For assistance on getting the Select Your Own Task detection to work
- Ex Inferi - For creating the drop-down for the search bar so it works with Alt1 and not just normal browsers, and for all the support during development
- Techpure - For supporting the development of the app and suggesting the ability to change colors in the app
- overlord1234 & David - For the Levenshtein distance algorithm for the search feature
Assistance with Slayer Assistant Database Updater
- Runescape Wiki - For providing an amazing database that I can parse to make use of in this app
- Chiev Hunter - For assistance in fixing the Slayer assignment wiki so my updater would stop throwing errors
- Wahi - For explaining the Wights task was old content that was removed
- Robert571 - For suggesting the new query search for database downloading from the wiki
- Im Wired In - For all the assistance in helping figure out how to use the new query search for database downloading from the wiki
For Creating Something Amazing
- Jagex - For creating an amazing game that has many more years to come
- Runescape - For still being here after all these years and coming a long way
- Runescape Wiki - For providing an amazing database for all of the RuneScape community
- Chat GPT - For creating something amazing that can assist with anything
- Skillbert - For creating Alt1 Toolkit and keeping it maintained